
Repeat Prescriptions

Most of our prescriptions are processed electronically. 

Electronic prescriptions help save the NHS money. 

Read more about EPS on the NHS website.

Please allow 5 working days (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays), for your request to be processed and for your prescription to be sent to your pharmacy.  Please check pharmacy processing times with your pharmacy.

Please allow 7 working days for your repeat prescription requests to be processed from requesting to collecting at your pharmacy.

Neither the practice, nor the pharmacy can take responsibility for ensuring patients have enough medication, only patients can do so. Please therefore order your prescriptions with enough time to allow them to be processed safely.


Only the following prescriptions, if needed urgently will be done on the day received:
(Example medications are in red, note this list is not exhaustive)

  • INSULINNovorapid, Novomix, Levemir, Lantus,
  • ANTICOAGULANTS - Warfarin, Edoxaban, Rivaroxaban, Dabigatran, Apixaban, Enoxaparin/Tinzaparin injections
  • EPILEPSY MEDICATION - Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Lamotrigine, Levetiracetam, Sodium Valproate, Topiramate
  • MENTAL HEALTH MEDICATION e.g. for depression, anxiety or mood disorders - Citalopram, Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Risperidone, Lithium, Quetiapine, Mirtazapine
  • EMERGENCY RESCUE MEDICATION e.g. adrenaline for allergic reactions, GTN spray, antibiotics or steroids for COPD

Please alert a member of the reception team if your item is listed above and is urgent.

All other prescriptions will be handled within 5 working days



Any items not on repeat may take longer to process, so please bear with us and order in good time. You may need to have a discussion with a GP or practice based pharmacist if you are ordering an item that is not on your repeat, or has not been ordered in a long time.

Under new prescribing guidelines, we are unable to give medication to delay periods for travel or sport under prescription.

We can also no longer provide a private prescription for this.

If you would like to postpone your period, you can visit a pharmacy website by searching online for 'delay period pill', have an online counselling session with a pharmacist and order the medication privately from them.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.